I'm not a full time professional photographer but take on 2-3 paid jobs per month. It keeps me sharp and I find it rewarding to work with other professionals on a specific task. My latest assignment was to shoot a video for a 20 second commercial, that will run on regional TV in January 2014 (my 2nd TV-commercial). Some stills where also required for printed adds. I won't be doing the final retouching of the raw files, but the photo above is my post processing. The two aspiring models ( Philip Stangebye to the left & Alexander Behrang Keshtkar to the right) where really nice to work with. They required nearly no instructions and fell quite naturally into the role as "silly fishermen". Thanks guys! On the technical side I faced a small set-back when setting up the Speedlights. The PocketWizard Mini TT1 had run out of battery power. So without my trusted PocketWizards for light control, I had to revert back to standard Nikon Commander mode and IR-contro...
En blog om udvikling - både som menneske, fotograf og virksomhedskonsulent