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Viser opslag med etiketten Nikon

Nikon Coolpix A - a compact wonder

Nikon Coolpix A is my traveller companion. I don't bring my D800 anymore. Beside the tack sharp files straight out of the camera I'm impressed with its ability to hit the correct white balance each time and the color reproduction. The colors are just spot on - not too saturated our pale. Especially skin colors are realistic. The photo my beautiful wife Vivi is a good example of a "snap shot" I took at a train station. Exposure = 1/125 sec f/4.5, 0 EV, ISO 100. Bang - no sharpening or other correction (except Lens Correction) in Lightroom. If you are shooting D700, D600, D610, D800, D3 or D4. Buy a Nikon Coolpix A as your traveling companion. It is worth every dollar.

Nikon Coolpix A photos

Coolpix A, 1/800 sec at f/7.1, 0EV, ISO 100, A Coolpix A, 1/640 sec at f/7.1, 0EV, ISO 100, A Coolpix A, 1/400 sec at f/9.0, 0EV, ISO 100, A Coolpix A, 1/640 sec at f/9.0, 0EV, ISO 100, A Enclosed four photos taken with the new Nikon Coolpix A - DX format camera. I'm very impressed with the level of details and the dynamic range that this camera can capture. Above photos has been through a post process in LR4, but that is also what we expect to be able to do with large RAW-files from the DX-sensor with no low pass filter.

Photo shoot at SOS

SOS International is the leading assistance organisation in the Nordic region. From their emergency centres in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, they provide acute personal assistance all over the world. My assignment today was to photograph four employees for an "New Employee Welcome folder" and take some photos from the HQ entrances showing their logo. The time slot was short, so I went for a simple set-up with one Nikon SB-910 powered with an additional Nikon SD-9 battery pack and mounted on a light stand with a white umbrella. The flash was angled 45 degrees to the left of the person. On the opposite side I placed another light stand with a California Sunbouncer mounted. The SB-910 was triggered with my trusted Pocket Wizard FlexTT5 and MiniTT1 . In addition I used a PocketWizard AC3 to control the flash output. I used a Nikon D800 with a Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8 lens. The client asked me to use a brick wall as back drop, which worked just fine. The s...

Dag 13: Nikon F3 - et mesterstykke - nok Nikon's flotteste kamra

Må jeg præsentere mit flotte eksemplar af ikonet Nikon F3.  Min ambition i dag var at skabe et slags reklamefoto ved hjælp af kun én lyskilde - en Nikon SB-900 - og producere en small lys bjælke til at fremhæve produktet og gøre omgivelserne synlige, men ikke for distraherende for seeren. Til dette formål brugte jeg en Speed ​​Grid fra Honlphoto.com , og jeg måtte tage en masse skud for at ramme den rigtige vinkel og afstand af blitzstrålen (Foto 1 + 2). På foto 3 fjernede jeg gitteret og brugte SB-900 uden nogen form for lys diffuser, hvilket oplyste omgivelserne yderliger, og gjorde bøgerne til en del af historien. Min favorit er foto 2 - men hvad synes du? Nikon D300 med 50mm f/1.4D, ISO 200, Flash WB, 1/60 sek ved f/9.0, 0EV, SB-900 med Nikon SC-29 TTL cord, TTL BL mode.

Nikon FE

I fredags ankom mit "nye" Nikon FE kamera. Og det er i perfekt stand - ikke en skramme. Prøv at klikke på billedet og se hvor fint dette kamera er. Et kunstværk. Nikon FE blev produceret i perioden fra 1978 til 1983 og var et semi professionelt kamera, der ofte fungerede som back-up kamera for de professionelle. Det er også et af de mest interessante analoge kameraer Nikon nogensinde har bygget. I kan læse mere om Nikon FE's historie her . Nu skal jeg have købt nogle film (både farve og s/h) en en god negativ skanner. Hvis jeg skanner et negativ i en opløsning på 7200 dpi, så burde den resulterende digitale fil være på 20-25 MP!