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Solo Tree - Day 120

I located this scene just 500 meters from where I live. I've passed this tree many time without noticing it. But as I'm studying b/w photography I'm training my eyes (and brain) to see in b/w. And as a result of this new ability, this scene presented it self visually. With my Nikon D300 and a Sigma APO 70-200mm f/2.8 lens I composed this photo in camera so cropping in post processing was not needed. With the Dodge tool I darkened the foliage behind the tree. A 25% vignet was added. Exposure: 1/80 sec at f/6.3, O EV, ISO 200 Focal length: 90mm / 135 mm

Beer - Day 119

On a very short notice we where invited to dine at some good friends. In our hurry I forgot my Nikon D300 and hence my "photo of the day" had to be captured with my iPhone. After a good dinner and nice wine creativity dropped and time was approaching midnight fast. So when my friend Finn offered me a glas of beer before driving home I nailed this shot.

Ice Blue Flower - Day 118

A delicate small bud just before unfolding. Nikon D300 with AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm f/2.8 Exposure: 1/8 sec at f/20, -1EV, ISO 200

Black Leaf - Day 117

Today I delivered Nikon D800 to two very exited customers (who purchased the camera through my e-shop - nikonphotoexpert.com ). But I'm left with an empty feeling inside, as I'm eagerly awaiting my own Nikon D800 (but customers first). So I grabbed my old friend (Nikon D300) mounted an AF-S Micro 60mm f/2.8G macro lens and went outside to shoot something that could fill the void. I'm pleased with the final outcome but the void has just expanded.

iPhone Photography & Golf - Day 116

Five photos I shot during a round of golf using an iPhone 4S and the app Camera+ both for the capture and the post processing. I'm still impressed by the performance of this little camera.

A Boring Pigeon - Day 115

Excuse me my lack of creativity, but I tried to get a sharp bird photo with blur and sharp eyes. As I "only" have a 70-200mm f2.8 lens I needed to get really close to fill the frame. The only bird that sat still long enough was this pigeon.

Berlin - Here I Come - Day 114

My son Christian leaving for a 5 days trip to Berlin. It his first trip abroad without his parents. It goes to our hearts to part with him - eventhough it is only for four days. They grow up so damn fast........

Natur Distorted - Day 113

An iPhone 4S photo post processed with LR4.

Heavenly Downlight - Day 112

While driving home from Comwell Borupgaard , where I met the four E-MBA students that I'll guide with their main thesis report, this fantastic light broke through a rather doll sky and created a special scene. Luckily I had my Nikon D300 with me.

Golf - Day 111

Spring time is also golf time :-) My hcp is 23.5 and too often I'm not even playing up to this handicap. Up to July 7th I have to focus on getting into physical shape to the La Marmotte cycling challenge. But after this day I'm devote more time to improve my handicap - below 20 hcp is my target for 2012.

A Warm Spring Day - Day 110

Spring is still in its early phase and the tree foliage is not visible yet. But it is a beautiful day and I'm enjoying having time to experience spring arriving - and reflect over my own situation as an unemployed senior executive over 50.

Raadvad Knivfabrik - Day 109

When I was a kid and I was asked to lay the tabel I noticed that the knives had the name "Raadvad" engraved. When we 20 years later moved to Lyngby just north of Copenhagen I located the original "Raadvad Knivfabriker" only 4 kilometers from my home. As you can see the company "Raadvad Knivfabriker" was established in 1758 . A deed of gift from King Frederik V enabled the make over of an old gunpowder mill to one of his loyal valets. This was the starting of a small industrial adventure in Denmark. The company changed name to "Raadvad Knivfabriker" right after World War 1 and the number of products was reduced from over 700 to much less - now only focusing on knives and bread cutters. I think many on my age or older will recognize the following "bread cutter": In the beginning of the 1970s the production was moved to Jutland. Today the company "Raadvad" is part of Fiskars .

Urban Elements Continued - Day 108

I like finding ordinary urban elements and capture them in an interesting way. Equipment: Nikon D300 with AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8. Exposure: 1/1600 sec at f/3.2, 0EV, ISO 200

Urban Gazoline Elements - Day 107

Always carry your camera with you. Even at a standard gaz station it is possible to locate suitable photographic subjects - like those three tubes for the underground gazoline tanks. Equipment: Nikon D300 with AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8. Exposure: 1/400 sec at f/7.1, 0EV, ISO 200

Arkitektonisk Kubisme - Dag 106

En ny kontorbygning i den nordlige del af København. Jeg tager flere foto af arkitektur og med CS6 er det let at rette "faldende linier" - de såkalte perspektivfejl. Strukturen på facadevæggen danner et moire mønster, når de fotograferes. Imaging hvordan dette ville se ud, hvis jeg brugte en Nikon D800E i stedet for mit gamle Nikon D300 :-) Udstyr: Nikon D300 med AF Nikkor 20mm f/2.8. Eksponering: 1/1000 sek ved f/7.1, 0EV, ISO 200

I love cake - Day 105

What can I say - I love cake.

Another macro composite - Day 104

Photo 1 is the result of combining 5 photos into one using CS6. Photo 2 is the first of five photos. The closer you get on the subject the narrower the focal plane is becoming. Therefore it is necessary to take several photos and combine them into one to increase the focal plane and achieve overall sharpness.

An Empty Snail Home - Day 103

This is a macro composite of five photos. For each photo I moved the focus point one step down in the 51-point AF-grid on my Nikon D300. After importing the photos to LR I went straight to CS6, where the two functions - Auto Align Layers and Auto Blend Layers in the Edit menu, where used to create this photo. Back in LR some PP was done to increase the contrast and dynamic range.

Preparing for macro photo shoot - Day 102

Here is my set-up for a couple of days shooting macro. Nothing fancy - a Nikon D300 with AF-S Micro 60mm f/2.8G (perfect on a DX-camera as the "real" focal length is 90mm). A Nikon MC-36 cable release is used to manage a timed release in Mup mode (Mirror up). The camera is mounted below the tripod leg intersection.

What a mess - Day 101

Our home is a mess. The day before we took off for our winter vacation (week 7) a water pipe broke and water was pouring down from our ceiling. After an emergency fix we drove to Austria and two days later we received another call - this time from the security company overlooking our home - that they had responded to an alarm call but found no burglar - only a lot of water inside our home. Another section of the water pipe had broken. From Austria we then tried to manage this rather serious situation with help from our neighbour. This time 50% of the water pipeline was exchanged with new pipes. When we returned home and turned on the water, another part of the remaining old pipe line broke and water came pouring down into our bedroom. This photo (It's bad - I know) show the entrance to the 50% of our home that where flooded and where most part of ceilings, floors and walls are being dried and repaired. Vivi and I are sleeping in our living room together with all the furniture ...