Another portrait assignment was on the agenda today. A profile photo for various social networks shouldn't just be a snapshot done with an mobile camera, but a portrait that encapsulates a person's personality. My friend Karina Iversen asked me if we could make a personal and strong portrait photo for her LinkedIn profile. Karina thinks a professional profile photo is important - and it is! When we all visit a LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ or Twitter page of a person, we look at the profile photo to get a first impression. If we like what we see then we definitely look for more information about this person. If the profile photo fails to make an impression, then we might move on without looking at the persons wall, stream, tweets or what ever it is called. For a photoshoot like this I normally end up with 200 photos from which the client can choose 5-10 for further processing. Now Karina hasn't had a chance to select her 5-10 photos yet, but I took the liberty to sel...