Mit næste foto til konkurrencen "Årets Nikonians Fotografer 2006".
Jeg har valgt at deltage i sektionen "Arkitektur". Det var det første foto i den sektion.
Jeg synes fotografiet udtrykker de enorme muligheder, et åbent sind har (havet & himlen), så snart du forstår, hvordan du låser op for sindet (porten).
Veeeery nice shot too, Lars. The sky also symbolises 'no limit'. I like it... a lot.
SvarSletA few points of criticism (positively meant):
1) The photo seems a bit "flat" (but just a bit). I would have made a bigger contrast. When I see you next time, I'll bring a book that shows how to do b/w photos the "Ansel" way.
2) The horizon is tilting (1.5 degrees). It should be rotated clockwise slightly.
3) The reflections from the sun in the sea is a bit offset from the centre of the gate. I would have stepped left a bit.
The 2 first can be done in Photoshop and are "accepted" changes (subject to the rules of the contest, I guess) as these are things you can do in a traditional darkroom.
Well, just my 2 Euro Cents. Where was it taken? Gotland?
Hi Joachim,
SvarSletThx for the constructive comments. I've experimented a bit with the Dodge and Burn tool in Photoshop Elements. This you will see on one of my next photos.