What is creativity? The above photo is not about creativity, but about good skills within photography and the ability to creata a "Ahhh", "Nice", Beautiful" comment from followers on social photo sites like Flickr. But all though I like this photo and I had fun while post processing it (and shooting it) its not displaying my creativity. While I'm becoming better at mastering photography from an equipment point of view I'm still completely blind when it comes to communicating a story through my photography. Its only beautiful photos.
After reading about the young photographer Natalie Dybisz aka Miss Aniela on Lenscratch, I even more convinced that I need to define a new mission for becoming a true photographer with my own voice.
Focus is needed. A couple of themes that is close to my heart and mind is needed. Creating a body of work, that can be presented as a visual statement to galleries and magazine editors, is the strategy I'm going to follow.
Here is an example of Natale Dybisz work:
Harmony String
Here is a remark that Natalie Dybisz made during the interview to Lenscratch:
Give yourself time to create a body of work, which you could share ‘in progress’ through internet platforms but don’t feel the pressure to ‘present’ yourself with a website and pursue exhibitions, publicity etc until you have something solid and worthy to show. Things might might move faster in the internet age but as the saying goes, ‘there is no shortcut to the places worth going’. Some patience needs to be had in being able to first form a foundation from which you are happy to stand for the long-term.
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